Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Keeping up with my brain: My New Store

Thursday, February 17, 2005

My New Store

Well I have been at my new store for over a week now. Many apologies for not keeping everyone up to speed.

My new store is #29 and it is located on 9th and Corona in the Capital Hill area. It is not that far from the apartment but it is far enough that I take the bus. The store is pretty small and the parking lot is way small. Most of the customers live with in walking distance from the store so there really isn't the need for a lot of parking anyway.
A new feature to doing buggy shifts is locking cart wheels. The point of these wheels is to lock once the buggy reaches the boundaries of the lot so no one can make off with the buggy. While collecting carts you have to carry this huge "key" around that unlocks them because the can't move. It took a little while for me to get used to that.
I was not aware that I was going to work at the famous "Queen Soopers!" My store is called this because a large number of customers and employees at the store are homosexual. It is definitely different. But I am just so glad that I grew up in a home that taught me to accept people for who they are and not what they do or prefer, color, or gender....ect. I also think it is neat to see all the people who are not ashamed or afraid to be open. I think growing up in Northern Colorado (despite my upbringing) has less tolerance for diversity. The people at this store are nice. I do miss all my friends from Greeley though. But like every store I have worked at it is all the same and different at the same time.
I have seen a few people around Denver that I knew from UNC. And as I have mentioned before I saw my cousin Neotha. The most shock person I have seen here is a girl named Miriam Denmark. I went to elementary and junior high school with her. I had not seen her since I was in 9th grade. She was shopping at my work. I didn't see her until she yelled really loud "SHAWNA MOONEY!!!!" Wow! no one had called me that in a long time and I am in Denver so I was really surprised to see her.
I also sacked a local celebrity's groceries: Shaul Turner from Fox News in Denver.
First there was the light rail accident near my apartment and now a serial rappest near my work. I guess they almost had him but now have no idea where he is at. The store took me off buggies last night because they didn't want any women outside after dark. Duh!!!! I was joking if someone came near me I would wack them with the big ass buggy key.... but they said they still didn't want me out there.... but seriously I really didn't mind staying inside.
Today I went to lunch with my friend Alec at Cinzetti's. It was fun. I was so glad that Alec could meet me for lunch. Thanks Alec ;)

Well got to go do homework YEAH!!!!!!!!!
p.s. I have an A in biology :)


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