Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Keeping up with my brain: Would You Do It?

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Would You Do It?

While listening to the radio I heard an commercial about the need for women becoming an egg donor for couples that can't have children. If you qualify for becoming an egg donor a woman would be compensated $5,000.

I thought about it and looked it up on line and requested information to be sent to my house. I still don't know what to think about it.

I am the right age that they are looking for and I am physically healthy. It would be a really nice thing if I could help a woman that could not produce eggs to have children. I know that if I found out I couldn't have children I would be devastated. Also the $$$ is a nice topper. I would use the money towards finishing college. And I will still be able to have children of my own.

What am I unsure about? Well I have not had children of my own. There will be a child(ren) in the world that has half my DNA and I will never know them. With a career goal of becoming a teacher I could teach this child and wonder if it came from my DNA. I will be on a lot of medications, fertility drugs, drugs that suppress my hormones and the removal requires surgery.

But even though I send in the forms I may not become a donor. They look closely at medical history, family medical history, and other factors such as my personality and even my looks.


At 7:50 AM, Blogger Nina said...

I have been thinking a lot about this. Of course I would support you in anything you chose to do. I would do this for you, if you needed an egg, it would be yours of that there is no doubt. I would hope that you would look at the up side and down side. But as your mom I have faith that you will do what feels right to you after you search your heart, soul, and mind.



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